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Heya! You’re looking at an innovative visionary. 

As the former sole Product UX Designer on the founding team at, I took trender from a barebones feed to a multifunctional B2B SaaS web application.

I was only just getting started building out complex functionality, successfully shipping features while navigating ambiguous requirements and a fluctuating roadmap. I am hungry, motivated, and ready to dig into user’s complex problems and expand feature usability with user-centered methodologies.
Product strategy is where I shine!✨

Being a UX Designer is fueled by my core value of doing meaningful work; I always want to help people succeed!

What I am like day to day. I spend my mornings meditating 🧘 and setting myself up for positivity. When I am not working I enjoy the outdoors🏞, exploring new cultures and cities via ✈️ world travel, and actively participating in the community Providence RI (& at times Boston).
I attend events in 🎨 art, music, 🎭 comedy, and spirituality.
—I am very self aware and appreciate keeping my cup full but also knowing when it’s empty and being able to ask for support or space ✌️.

Fun Fact: I am a beginner singer songwriter 🎶

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